Quaker Artists

Quaker Artists, by Gary Sandman is a comprehensive, but easily accessible, book of 286 reviews of Friends’ art.

Sandman, a Quaker from Roanoke Friends Meeting, Virginia, is a painter and writer who has written a comprehensive guide to the history of Quakers and art. He has also written a review (opens in a new tab) of the painting Advice & Queries by Lincolnshire Friend, Graham Lewinton.

Quaker Artists divides its artists and subjects into three periods – Founding, Quietest and Modern. From etchings and paintings in the mid 17th-century to 21st-century sculpture, there is an eclectic mix of art that also includes poetry and music.

The second addition of Quaker Artists is available to buy as a paperback or ebook from Sandman’s website (opens in a new tab).

Image from garysandmanartist.com/

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