3.1. Fingerprint Learning

Your brain is literally wired for learning and the way you learn is as individual as your very own fingerprints.

The wiring of your brain is through the network of your neurons. However, not every brain is wired to learn in the same way. The wiring in your brain is partly due to your genetic make-up and partly due to your life experiences.

Every individual has unique value. This can be represented in the uniqueness of a fingerprint. Successful learning increases our sense of personal worth as well as our quality of life – from childhood, through our working life and throughout retirement.

In school most of us were taught through a ‘one size fits all’ approach. We were taught as if we should all learn in the same way. This approach is now as outdated as the insistence that learning is the remembering of facts for an exam.

This ‘one size fits all’ approach in education has caused many young people and adults to feel devalued. It has discouraged many people from becoming lifelong learners.

Although lifelong learning is the key to a healthy brain, many people are put off the idea of learning due to past experiences in education.

Understanding how you best learn makes you a better learner and being a better learner makes you want to learn more throughout your life.

Your fingerprints are with you for life and learning is the same.

Image from https://www.freeart.com

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