Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for?
Posted on 12 July 2019
Could Quakerism be the radical faith that the millennial generation is looking for? by Chris Venables inspired Youth Quake Now.
Chris is a political and envrionmental campaigner who is also an organiser for young adult Quakers.
“It’s fair to say that young people face many challenges. My generation (the under 34s) has seen the sharpest drop in economic prospects in generations whilst the neoliberal policies of the current government have hit young people hard. There’s the prevalence of insecure part-time work in the gig-economy, the collapse in home-ownership, the systemic underfunding of education, and the spiralling climate crisis. Young people today are getting a raw deal – and they know it.”
Chris Venables
Images from and Chris Venables